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Special offers change every month please check the special offers page for  the very latest offers and promotions
You can print off a job application form from the link below and mail it to us at the address supplied at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your time and effort Lyn and the team @Elanele Beauty Center.
Elanele Beauty Center Job Application Form
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01908 566565

Read our Client Testimonials and Treatment Reviews, they now span over 12 years and all entries are exactly as they were submitted by the author, nothing has been changed or altered and all views are that of the client.

We pride ourselves in offering the highest of customer care and customer experience. We only use products that we consider to be the very best available for all our treatments.

We would like to take this opportunity to Thank all clients that have taken the time to complete these Testimonials and Treatment Reviews and we hope that any new client considering visiting the Salon can take comfort and reassurance from them. Just click on the link ABOVE to read them and we hope to see you in the Salon Soon, so you can experience the Elanele Touch.

Take Care from all the Team @elanele
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If you would like to join our team, please feel free to send us your CV, Please send in "Word Format" using the form below, or you can contact us on
01908 566565
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